October 10, 2012

Html CSS ID Syntax

IDs syntax it is to assign our code and Identify in our Html element, this is work to assign our CSS, styling our work codes and recognizing by ID syntax.

CSS Id syntax are combining with classes they are both working in each other and calling by instruction what you put it. So this Id syntax are pointing into code call for our Html using CSS style.

Our Id syntax if we use it we need to put the number sign, and the id name for the code that we need to organize and to function our style CSS.

This will be our code to put:

Your number sign: (#) plus putting your Id name:

Id syntax are giving us some rules in our html and giving us a good format to design and alignment for our website or webpages, as what we discuss for our Syntax CSS they had a three formation and calling in each other and they are our SELECTOR,PROPERTY and our Value code. These three syntax if we recite how to manage and to use it, this are giving a big help to us for making website using CSS html.

Now for the code CSS for our Three team CSS syntax.

CSS ID syntax it is how or where to use it and this code you can default your code in our Head tag in our html and we need to use our DIV tag or our division code by following this.

That is in our html by head tag attribute for defaulting our CSS code and for our Body tag that we need to call our code division ID syntax. Our code do like this.

For the combination between our Head tag CSS default and Body tag calling our Id Syntax code for our Head tag CSS.

Now we are done for our CSS using ID syntax you can try it now and design your webpage using CSS.
Good luck.

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